英文名稱 中文名稱 詞性
CFO(Chief Financial Officer) 財務長 N
CCO(Chief Cultural Officer) 文化長 N
CTO(Chief Technology Officer) 資訊長 N
CEO(Chief Executive Officer) 執行總裁 N
Risk management 風險管理 N
Risk analysis 風險分析 N
Budget control 預算控制 N
Project management 專案管理 N
Interview skill 面談技巧 N
Communication skill 溝通技巧 N
Interpersonal skill 人際關係 N
Presentation skill 簡報技巧 N
Negotiation skill 談判技巧 N
Career development 職涯發展 N
Accounts payable 應付帳款 N
Balance sheet 資產負債表 N
Carrying value 帳面價值 N
Accounting period 會計年度; 會計期間 N
Accounts receivable 應收帳款 N
Accounting equation 會計方程式, 會計等式 N
Cash earnings per share 每股現金盈餘 N
Contingent liability 或有負債 N
Deferred asset 遞延資產 N
Deferred charges 遞延費用 N
Acceptance 承兌 N
Financial structure 財務結構 N
General accepted accounting principles 一般公認會計原則 (慣例) N
Generally accepted auditing standards 一般公認審計準則 N
Depreciation 折舊 N
Financial status 財務狀況 N
Sales return 銷貨退回 N
Sales load(charge) 銷售費用 N
Sales return 銷貨退回 N
Shareholder 股東 N
accounting 會計 N
accounting system 會計制度 N
accounts payable 應付賬款 N
accounts receivable 應收賬款 N
accumulated profits 累積利益 N
adjusting entry 調整記錄 N
adjustment 調整 N
administration expense 管理費用 N
advances 預付 N
advertising expense 廣告費 N
amortization 攤銷 N
amortized cost 應攤成本 N
annuities 年金 N
article of association 公司章程 N
assets 資產 N
audit 審計 N
average cost 平均成本 N
bad debt 壞賬 N
balance 餘額 N
balance sheet 資產負債表 N
bank account 銀行賬戶 N
bank balance 銀行結存 N
bank charge 銀行手續費 N
bank deposit 銀行存款 N
bank discount 銀行貼現 N
bank draft 銀行匯票 N
bank loan 銀行借款 N
bank overdraft 銀行透支 N
bankers acceptance 銀行承兌 N
bankruptcy 破產 N
bearer 持票人 N
beneficiary 受益人 N
bill 票據 N
bill of exchange 匯票 N
bills discounted 貼現票據 N
bills payable 應付票據 N
bills receivable 應收票據 N
bonds 債券 N
book value 賬面價值 N
bookkeeper 簿記員 N
capital 股本 N
capital income 資本收益 N
capital outlay 資本支出 N
capital stock 股本 N
capital stock certificate 股票 N
carried down 移後 N
carried forward 移下頁 N
cash 現金 N
cash account 現金賬戶 N
cash in bank 存銀行現金 N
cash on hand 庫存現金 N
certified public accountant 會計師 N
charges 費用 N
charter 營業執照 N
chartered accountant 會計師 N
chattles 動產 N
check 支票 N
closing stock 期末存貨 N
closing the book 結賬 N
columnar journal 多欄日記賬 N
commission 佣金 N
consignee 承銷人 N
consignor 寄銷人 N
consolidated balance sheet 合併資產負債表 N
consolidated profit and loss account 合併損益表 N
control account 統制賬戶 N
current asset 流動資產 N
current liability 流動負債 N
current profit and loss 本期損益 N
debit 借方 N
debt 債務 N
debtor 債務人 N
deferred assets 遞延資產 N
deferred liabilities 遞延負債 N
demand draft 即期匯票 N
demand note 即期票據 N
depreciation 折舊 N
direct cost 直接成本 N
direct labour 直接人工 N
discount on purchase 進貨折扣 N
discount on sale 銷貨折扣 N
dividend 股利 N
dividend payable 應付股利 N
double entry bookkeeping 複式簿記 N
Absolute advantage 絕對優勢 N
Accounting profit 會計利潤 N
Aggregate demand (AD) curve 需求曲線 N
Aggregate supply (AS) curve 總供給曲線 N
Average fixed cost 平均固定成本 N
Average total cost 平均總成本 N
Behavioral economics 行為經濟學 N
Black market 黑市 N
Bond 債券 N
Budget constraint 預算限制(式) N
Budget line 預算線 N
Business cycles 景氣循環 N
Capital gains tax 資本利得稅 N
Change in demand 需求變動 N
Change in quantity demanded 需求量改變 N
Change in quantity supplied 供給變 N
Change in supply 供給變動 N
Comparative advantage 比較優勢 N
Compensating wage differential 補償性工資差異 N
Constant returns to scale 固定規模報酬 N
Consumer Price Index 消費者物價指數 N
Diminishing marginal returns to labor 遞減勞動邊際報酬 N
Discount rate 折現率 N
Discrimination 差別待遇 N
Diseconomies of scale 規模不經濟 N
Disposable income 可支用所得 N
Economic growth 經濟成長 N
Economic profit 經濟利潤 N
Economic system 經濟體系 N
Economies of scale 規模經濟 N
Employment-population ratio (EPR) 就業人口比率 N
Entrepreneurship 企業家精神 N
Equilibrium price 均衡價格 N
Equilibrium quantity 均衡數量 N
Excess demand 超額需求 N
Excess reserves 超額準備金 N
Excess supply 超額供給 N
Excess supply of money 超額貨幣供給 N
Exchange 交換 N
Exchange rate 匯率 N
Expansion 擴張 N
Factor payments 要素收入 N
Firm's quantity supplied 廠商供給數量 N
Beta (Market Beta) 貝他(係數) ;市場風險指數 N
Bubble economy 泡沫經濟 N
Business studies 商業研究 N
Capital markets 資本市場 N
Company finance 公司財務 N
Corporate finance 企業金融 N
Corporate governance 公司治理 N
Corporate vision 企業視野 N
Corporatization 公司企業化 N
Cost 成本 N
Actual market/Spot market/Cash market 現貨市場 N
Appreciation 增值;漲價 [財產] N
Arbitrage 套利;套匯;套戥 N
Arbitration 仲裁 N
Auction market 競價市場 N
Auction system/ Call auction 集合競價 N
Authorized representative 授權代表 N
Back to back FX agreement 外匯沖銷協議 N
Back-door listing 借殼上市 N
Balanced fund(hybrid) 平衡型基金 N
Bankruptcy 破產 N
Base Day 基準日 N
Bear market 熊市;股市行情看淡 N
At-the-money/Parity 平價 N
Auction 拍賣 N
Asset securitization 資產證券化 N
Board of directors 董事會 N
Bond derivatives transactions 債券衍生性商品交易 N
Bond fund 債券型基金 N
Bond market 債券市場,債市 N
Bottom line 底線;最低限度 N
Bubble economy 泡沫經濟 N
Bull market 牛市;股市行情看漲 N
Cap/ Ceiling 上限 N
Carrying cost 利息成本;持有成本;資金成本差額 N
Certificate of incumbency 公司授權;委任書 N
Claim 索賠 N
Common stock 普通股 N
Company Stock Affairs 公司股務 N
Conglomerate 集團;企業 N
Consolidated financial statements 合併財務報表 N
Consolidation 整合;合併;盤整 N
Contractual joint venture 合資經營 N
Controlling stake/interest 控股權 N
Conversion ratio 換股比率 N
Corporate finance 企業金融 N
Corporate governance 公司治理 N
Credit risk 信用風險 N
Current asset/liability 流動資產/負債 N
Current/liquid ratio 流動比率 N
Default risk 違約風險 N
Deflation 通貨緊縮;通縮 N
Deleveraged 降低槓桿風險 N
Depositary receipt 存託憑證 N
Derivative financial product 衍生性金融商品 N
Dilution 股權稀釋 N
Director and Supervisor Share Ownership Ratios 董事及監察人持股成數 N
Diversification 多元化;分散投資 N
Dividend 股息; 股利 N
Engagement letter/Letter of Consignment/ Proxy 委託書 N
Establishment by offering 募集設立 N
Exchange rate 兌換率;匯率 N
Financial forecast 財務預測 N
Financial Management 財務管理 N
Financial Markets/ Financial Products 金融市場,金融產品 N
Financial status 財務狀況 N
Financial structure 財務結構 N
Going public 公開上市 N
Hostile takeover 惡意收購 N
Illicit Profits 不法利益 N
Inflation 通貨膨脹 N
Initial Public Offering (IPO) 初次公開募集 N
Insider Trading 內線交易 N
Internal control systems 內部控制制度 N
Investment adviser 投資顧問 N
Investment company 投資公司 N
Junk bond 垃圾債券 N
Leverage Rate 槓桿比率 N
Limited Legal Capacity 限制行為能力 N
Limited partnership 有限責任合夥 N
Liquidity ratio 速動比率 N
Liquidity risk 流動性風險 N
Market share 市場佔有率 N
Mature market 成熟市場 N
Monetary policy 貨幣政策 N
Monopoly Enterprise &l